Memoirs of a MasseurTodd Pequeen

Memoirs of a Masseur – January 2019

Fugacious is a word that isn’t commonly used. It is an adjective and by definition it means lasting a short time. More importantly it is used to describe immaterial things such as emotions, because they can come and go and often do not leave a lasting effect. Botanists, for example, use the word fugacious to describe plant parts that whither or falls off before the usual time. Things that are fugacious are fleeting and do not contain substance.

I recently returned to Costa Rica after my annual two months away. I am fortunate to have massage clients in the Niagara Frontier region of New York as well as a humble family cottage on the eastern shore of Lake Erie in Canada. I spend September and October enjoying family and lifelong friends as well as reflecting on the year that has passed. My personal New Year begins in November with my return to the jungle and also coincides with another high season in beloved Manuel Antonio. While stateside I spend many of my days mountain biking to Niagara Falls and along the mighty Niagara river. The cooler temperatures persuade the elm, oak, and maple trees leaves to turn red, orange, and yellow, all signaling me to slow down and reflect. For I know that autumn is a fugacious friend that will leave me soon.

When I learned the new word fugacious it made me contemplate which things in my life fit into that definition. It seems to me that anything that is very temporary and sure to disappear may not be worth the energy used to invest in. From a long night of drinking to relationships that have no substance it occurred to me that if I can eliminate fugacious things in my life in 2019 then I will be a better man in the year to come. Some days I have the energy of a twenty year old but the calendar continues to remind me that my age is more than double that. Quality is what I continue to seek in my days and with that in mind I would like to remind everyone to slow down and focus on what is important to you. Quite often with less distractions and an ability to focus on just a few things that matter most is when we make gains and begin to re-invent our lives for the better. It is our decision whether we want the New Year ahead of us to be fugacious or down right spectacular! Enjoy the process…

Todd Pequeen can be reached at 8830-7727 or at [email protected]. He was the first male massage therapist in M.A. and has been providing amazing therapeutic sessions since 2000. His free time is spent reading, writing, traveling, and surfing.