OsSpanish Sucks

The 2 WEEKS rule. Parte 3

By Os

¡Hola amigos! ¿Did you watch the games of “La Sele”? They did amazingly great, didn’t they? ¡¡We made historia for sure!!

Last month we learned a super handy rule: The 2 WEEKS rule. ¿Remember how it goes? It goes like this:

The 2 WEEKS rule is a handy rule that we can use to clarify when to use “SER” and “ESTAR” and when not. It is not perfect, it is not always accurate but, as I said it’s pretty handy. This is how it works:

If something might not change in less than two weeks, then we must use “SER.”


If something may change in less than two weeks, then we must use “ESTAR.”

Last month we saw several examples when we can apply the rule. This month we are gonna see some examples of exceptions when NOT to apply the rule. Ready?

SER = TO be #1

I          s oy

you, s/he, it          es

we          s omos

you all, they          s on

If something might not change in less than two weeks, then we must use “SER.”
Spanish Pura Vida

Do NOT apply the 2 WEEKS rule in these cases:

Today is May 5th.
And in less than 2 weeks it will change but Times & Dates use the verb “SER.”


Hoy es 5 de mayo.

The party is at 5 o’clock.
And in less than 2 weeks it might change but Times & Dates use the verb “SER.” Therefore:
La fiesta es a las 5 en punto.

EstAR = TO be #2 –  ¡Learn the MANTRA!

I          est oy

you, s/he, it          est án

we          est amos

you all, they          es tán

If something may change in less than two weeks, then we must use “ESTAR.”

Do NOT apply the 2 WEEKS rule in these cases:

My house is close to the church of Manuel Antonio.
And in less than 2 weeks it won’t change its location but Location & Position use the verb “ESTAR.”

Mi casa está cerca de la iglesia de Manuel Antonio.
Costa Rica is in Central América.

And in less than 2 weeks it won’t change its location but Location & Position use the verb “ESTAR.” Therefore:
Costa Rica está en América Central.

Good job guys . . . Let me show you how to think and how to decide between the verbs “SER” or “ESTAR” step by step:

First of all, say the “mantra:”
HOW you feel and WHERE you are, ALWAYS usethe verb ESTAR.”
Then, apply the The 2 WEEKS rule:
If something may change in less than 2 weeks,we must use “ESTAR.”
If something might NOT change in less than 2 weeks, we must use “SER.”
And finally, review the uses:
Temporal – NOW.
P ositionL ocationA ction

C ondition

E motion

Permanente – ALWAYS.
D atesO ccupationC haracteristic

T ime

O rigin

R elation

Or check this link:http://www.oscostarica.com/a-verb-with-two-faces/¡That’s the way to do it guys! Remember:
Spanish Sucks; but English Stinks…

Os is a certified and experienced teacher of español.

Call him and schedule a Spanish lesson in Manuel Antonio.

SPANISH PURAVIDA      88-222-936      www.OsCostaRica.com