Holis Wellness Center

Meditation…Why do it?

By Shelly Workman Scientists and doctors agree, more and more, that meditation is having a direct impact on the way the brain is ‘wired’. There has, in recent years, been a dramatic rise of the research and testing of meditation and the exact effects meditation can have on the brain

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk


Decían los antiguos romanos: “Mens sana in corpore sano” (Mente sana en cuerpo sano), para mostrar que la salud depende de la armonía entre el alma y el cuerpo. Los médicos y los psicólogos modernos han comprobado la veracidad de este dicho clásico porque han visto muchas enfermedades psicosomáticas que

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Guest ChefGuest Writer

Introducing Chef Edgar Vargas Romero

One Sunday afternoon in the sleepy village of Matapalo, while enjoying a visit with my friends Susanna and Jean-Louis Mari, owners of Express del Pacifico Restaurante, a “new face in town” entered to have a cold beverage and some conversation. After exchanging pleasantries, we found out that Edgar Vargas is the new executive chef at Parador Hotel’s restaurants in Manuel Antonio – enjoying his day off in our little slice of paradise.

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Costa Rica Yoga JournalMark Goldstein

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or Pigeon Pose

This pose is a wonderful hip opener, because of that it can help out many types of lower back pain. As a massage therapist, the most common issue that I hear from clients is regarding back pain. Of course it can feel wonderful to have some great massage strokes done to your back when you are in pain, but, I find that whether we are healing through massage or yoga, that we always need to address the front of the body too in order to really make your back feel better.

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Donna PorterIt's a Wonderful World of Plants

Varieties – Adding Spice to our Lives

A tree is not just a tree, a flower is not just a flower and a fruit is just not a fruit. To describe a plant by saying that it is a “tropical tree with green leaves and yellow flowers” is similar to describing a person by saying “it is a Latino man with black hair and dark skin”. This oversimplification of descriptions leaves one scratching one’s head in wonder and as clueless as ever. Plants, as humans, are not all created equal. They are characterized and classified in an assortment of ways to distinguish them, or their groupings or types, and to help in their identification. Having an identity is as important in the plant world as it is in the human world, although, plants, unlike humans, can be preserved for future usage and benefit – an even greater reason for correct identification.

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Cooking Corner

Crab Melts

Melts are open-face sandwiches, with melted cheese as the common denominator. They are usually made with a meat or seafood salad mixed with cheese. Here is my version of a favourite of ours – the crab melt.

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