Kids Saving the Rainforest

How It All Began

We are very proud of KSTR’s co-founders, Janine Licare and Aislin Livingstone.  They have both just graduated from two very prestigious colleges, Janine from Stanford in California and Aislin from McGill in Montreal.  Congratulations to you both!  Janine starts right away with a two-year program, Teach For America, teaching elementary

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk

El Bosque y El Combate

Por  J.L. Gimenez Frontin Vamos a practicar el uso de los verbos.  Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo que se le indica en el paréntesis. De pronto los corzos (dejar) _________ de pacer y (quedar) __________ inmóviles  con su pequeña cola enhiesta y todos los músculos

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Fishing ReportJoshua Stewart

It’s about Tuna!

By Joshua Stewart Hola amigos. This month has given fantastic daily reports. Boats have been fishing several days a week and they have had awesome bites. Marlin, sailfish and lots of Tuna for offshore fishing and the brave roosterfish, mackerels, jacks and even some sea bass for inshore trips. Ojaran

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Holis Wellness Center

CranioSacral Therapy

By Evelina Bololognini What is CranioSacral Therapy? CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a -on approach that releases tensions around your head, neck diaphragm and spine. This allows gentle, hands your whole brain and nervous system to function at its optimum creating a great relieve from pain and dysfunction while improving whole-body

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