Memoirs of a MasseurTodd Pequeen

Do This and Don’t Do That

By Todd Pequeen

Rules. You shall, you will, you must. This particular word has always been curious to me. By simple definition it is a regulation or law. In old French it is riule, ancient Latin regulare, but no matter when or where in the world some people choose to obey them, others not at all. Parents try to establish rules in their house with their offspring and governments try to control their citizens by giving authoritative decisions. I have always agreed with my mother’s opinion that one must know and learn the rules before you can break them. Isn’t that a rule in itself….rules are made to be broken? Animal lovers are fantastic at making up rules in accordance to their own self interests. I see leash-less dogs daily and find it nearly impossible to go for a jog without returning home with some do-do in my tread. It’s funny that here in Manuel Antonio some visitors feel that rules don’t apply, for example feeding the monkeys. Why would anyone give food to a wild animal? Would they do that in Africa? Rules for conduct of behavior has become very popular over time, it seems to me that we all have different ideas on what is right or wrong. We all appear to see situations differently culturally and personally.

Signs inform us of the rules. No Shirt, no Shoes, no Entrance. No Smoking. No Fires or Glass or Frisbee on the Beach. Popular in the 80’s was no more diving into pools. I’ll admit it, I’m fed up with all the rules. “Do this don’t do that can’t you read the signs,” are lyrics from one of my favorite songs entitled Signs. Originally released in 1970 by a Canadian group named Five Man Electrical Band, their song was a closer look at class divisions and property rights. Their inspiration being  a road trip down Route 66 in California. Tesla later revived the song in 1990, when it seemed my life had so many less rules. The song starts out classically with, “and the sign says long haired freaky people, need not apply.” Amen to not working that job! The bible has the Ten Commandments and other institutions such as schools, the military, and prisons have specific rules that one must heed or else face the penalties. However, there are unwritten rules in life and in sports like hockey. At the theatre one must never wish an actor good luck, simply to break a leg.

Yes indeed, all these rules have me wanting some relief. Depending on what State I am in I can freely smoke marijuana or be arrested and imprisoned for it. Thank God I didn’t live from 1920-1933, alcohol prohibition would have forced me to get creative with my happy hours. Believe it or not but an old English law in the early 1900’s was the Rule of Thumb. When it was legal for men to beat their wives as long as they used a stick no wider than their thumb! Another less exciting definition is an estimate, made according to a rough and ready practical rule, not based on science or fact. Thankfully the rule of thumb is long but extinct now. Some awesome trivia is the name of London’s oldest restaurant. Rules, was established in 1798 by a man with the fortunate name of Thomas Rule. Rules of engagement can be relative depending on one’s position in this world and ultimate enforcement is carried out with heavy handed military offences that try to create new rules. Fortunately, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, and Bob Marley had ways of spreading their rules in a much more civilized and lovely fashion. “You rule,” I’ve often heard when somebody appreciates my generosity or acts of kindness.  I suggest we all focus on ourselves a bit more in order to be in the perfect present when all the rules seem to disappear.

Todd Pequeen is a pioneer of the spa industry here since 2000. He works independently at his home studio or at your location and can be reached at 8830-7727. His free time is spent reading, writing, surfing, and spreading love.