OsSe Habla Español

Presente, Pasado y Futuro

By Os

¡Hola amigos!  Three years ago we learned how to play with verbs in present and two years ago we learned how to play with verbs in past.  ¿Remember the endings?

Let’s review them…

First of all we will have to “match” the endings of the patterns with these people (personal pronouns) exactly in the following order:

I you, s/he, (it)
we y’all, they

Here are the endings of the verbs in PRESENTE:

-AR verbs


 -ER verbs


-IR verbs


Spanish Pura Vida

Those capital letters ( O – A – E – AMOS –  EMOS – IMOS – AN – EN ) are the endings that we need to use when we speak español about something that happens in present time, anytime when we talk about habitual actions that we normally do, that we always do.  Whatever happens now in the present time.  NOW.  TODAY.  PRESENTE.

HablAR = TO speak / talk

I   hablO you, s/he   hablA
we   hablAMOS y’all, they   hablAN

 ComER = TO eat

I   comO you, s/he   comE
we   comEMOS y’all, they   comEN

VivIR = TO live

I   vivO you, s/he   vivE
we   vivIMOS y’all, they   vivEN

SER = TO be #1

I   sOy you, s/he    es
we   soMOS y’all, they   soN

EstAR = TO be #2

I   estOy you, s/he   está
we   estAMOS y’all, they   estáN

TenER = TO have #1

I   tengO you, s/he   tienE
we   tenEMOS y’all, they   tienEN

HacER = TO make & TO do

I   hagO you, s/he   hacE
we   hacEMOS y’all, they   hacEN

IR = TO go

I   vOy you, s/he   va
we   vaMOS y’all, they   vaN

PodER = Can

I   puedO you, s/he   puedE
we   podEMOS y’all, they   puedEN

LlamARse = TO call oneself (Reflexive)

me   llamO se   llamA
nos   llamAMOS se   llamAN

GustAR = TO like (TO please)

me   gustA / AN le   gustA / AN
nos   gustA / AN les   gustA / AN

HabER = TO have #2

I   he you, s/he   ha
we   hEMOS y’all, they     haN

Here are the endings of the verbs in PASADO:

-AR verbs

É (notice the tilde) Ó (notice the tilde)

-ER verbs

Í (notice the tilde) (notice the tilde)

-IR verbs

Í (notice the tilde) (notice the tilde)

Those capital letters ( (notice the tildes) É – Í – Ó – IÓ  –  AMOS – IMOS – ARON – IERON ) are the endings that we need to use when we speak español about something that happened in past time, anytime when we talk about an action that we did.  Whatever happened before, in the past time.  BEFORE.  YESTERDAY.  PASADO.

HablAR = TO speak / talk

I   hablÉ you, s/he   hablÓ
we   hablAMOS y’all, they   hablARON

ComER = TO eat

I   comÍ you, s/he   comIÓ
we   comIMOS y’all, they   comIERON

VivIR = TO live

I   vivÍ you, s/he   vivIÓ
we   vivIMOS y’all, they   vivIERON

SER = TO be #1

I   fui you, s/he    fue
we   fuIMOS y’all, they   fuERON

EstAR = TO be #2

I   estuve you, s/he   estuvo
we   estuviMOS y’all, they   estuvieRON

TenER = TO have #1

I   tuve you, s/he   tuvo
we   tuvIMOS y’all, they   tuvIERON

HacER = TO make & TO do

I   hice you, s/he   hizo
we   hicIMOS y’all, they   hicIERON

IR = TO go

I   fui you, s/he    fue
we   fuIMOS y’all, they   fuERON

PodER = Can (Could)

I   pude you, s/he   pudo
we   pudIMOS y’all, they   pudIERON

LlamARse = TO call oneself (Reflexive)

me   llamÉ se   llamÓ
nos   llamAMOS se   llamARON

GustAR = TO like (TO please)

me   gustÓ / ARON le   gustÓ / ARON
nos   gustÓ / ARON les   gustÓ / ARON

HabER = TO have #2

I    hube  you, s/he      hubo
we    hubIMOS y’all, they    hubIERON

Here are the endings of the verbs in FUTURO:

-AR -ER -IR verbs

É (notice the tilde) Á (notice the tilde)

YEAH!!!  Those capital letters ( (notice the tildes) É – Á – EMOS – ÁN ) are the endings that we need to use when we speak español about something that will happen in future time, anytime when we talk about an action that we will do.  Whatever will happen after, in the future time.  AFTER.  TOMORROW.  FUTURO.

By the way ¿did you notice that -AR, -ER, -IR verbs have the same endings in future tense?  That is easy, eh?  And let me tell you something even easier:  You just have to add the end to the whole verbo, meaning don’t eliminate the -AR, -ER, -IR…

HablAR = TO speak / talk

I   hablarÉ you, s/he   hablarÁ
we   hablarEMOS y’all, they   hablarÁN

ComER = TO eat

I   comerÉ you, s/he   comerÁ
we   comerEMOS y’all, they   comerÁN

VivIR = TO live

I   vivirÉ you, s/he   vivirÁ
we   vivirEMOS y’all, they   vivirÁN

SER = TO be #1

I   serÉ you, s/he    serÁ
we   serEMOS y’all, they   serÁN

EstAR = TO be #2

I   estarÉ you, s/he   estarÁ
we   estarEMOS y’all, they   estarÁN

TenER = TO have #1

I   * tendré you, s/he   * tendrá
we   * tendremos y’all, they   * tendrán

HacER = TO make & TO do

I   * haré you, s/he   * hará
we   * haremos y’all, they   * harán

IR = TO go

I   irÉ you, s/he    irÁ
we   irEMOS y’all, they   irÁN

PodER = Can (Could)

I   * podré you, s/he   * podrá
we   * podremos y’all, they   * podrán

LlamARse = TO call oneself (Reflexive)

me   llamarÉ se   llamarÁ
nos   llamarEMOS se   llamarÁN

GustAR = TO like (TO please)

me   gustarÁ / ÁN le   gustarÁ / ÁN
nos   gustarÁ / ÁN les   gustarÁ / ÁN

HabER = TO have #2

I   * habré you, s/he   * habrá
we   * habremos y’all, they     * habrán

Os has been teaching Spanish for more than 2000 days to ALL levels and ages… ¡Let him help you learn! Schedule a FREE Spanish Trial Lesson here in Manuel Antonio or through SKYPE. www.OsCostaRica.com   (+506) 88-222-936